Exhibition text: blended spheres, by Markus Lettner
Exhibition text: animals on my mind, by Magdalena Wisniowska, 2022
AVISO Magazin für Kunst und Wissenschaft in Bayern; Künstlerin im Heft, 01/2022
Ein gebändigter Löwe sorgt für Zoff, SZ articel by Evelyn Vogel about the 1. Biennale Lindau, 2022
Utopien mit Seeblick, gallerytalk article about the 1. Biennale Lindau by Lisa Stoiber, 2022
Pose, by Dr. Tanja Klemm, for the catalogue Manipulation of Delphi, 2021
WallerKlemm Delphi-Preview, by Tanja Klemm, for the catalogue Manipulation of Delphi, 2021
Magdalena Wisniowska: Julia Klemm, Magdalena Waller, Delphi Preview II, 2020
Aus dem Zwischenzustand, Linn Born im Gespräch mit Julia Klemm, gallerytalk, 2019
Clay and plush, or Julia’s art of ek‐stasis by Dr. Tanja Klemm, 2018
Notes On the end of Mike Kelley's Work and on the beginning of Julia Klemm's by Justin Lieberman, 2017
BULK, Gallerytalk, 2016
Plastik, Artsquare, 2014
Interview, Atelier di cartapesta, 2013
I leggiadri meteoriti di Julia Klemm, scritto da Pericle Guaglianone, Artribune, 2012
Strati, by Giuliana Stella, 2012
artbook cast-off

Library Academy of Fine Arts Munich
Julia Klemms monographic artist book cast-off, with eight ceramic series from
2015 till 2018 and accompanying texts by Justin Lieberman and Dr. Tanja Klemm.
You can order cast-off here