
Julia Klemm & Magdalena Waller (painting)
Delphi preview, 2020
Julia Klemm & Magdalena Waller
cavern studio, Munich
excert of the accompanying text by Dr. Tanja Klemm:
... The studio exhibition series with the paradoxical title “Delphi-Preview I-IV“, curated by artists Julia Klemm and Magdalena Waller, was a series of oracular consultations succeeding the initial phase of domestic isolation in the Corona pandemic. At the end of May 2020, exhibition houses were still closed, but small private events became possible. Within the framework of the regulations at that time (even if the springtime look at the apartment blocks of Reichenhallerstraße did not reveal it) by invitation of the artists, two people per hour could visit the exhibition setting. It was a setting that directly opened up behind the entrance door of the apartment building: after having taken a few steep steps down in a circle, the guests entered into a long windowless cellar corridor, where they encountered a familiar smell for places like this, with alternating glare and mild neon light.
Almost at the end of the aisle, a pedestal with surgical masks and disinfectants marked a spatial transition: pausing, habituated hand washing and face covering, first glances at the seven risograph prints on the opposite wall before entering the studio space. There, visitors stood in front of a whitewashed niche cut out of the studio workspace; a separate space, like a tabernacle or a temple cella. Two chairs were directed towards Magdalena Waller’s painting on the end wall, hieratically set into a symmetrical axis above a simple wooden bench. The painting showed reflecting silver plates, rhythmically arranged on the pictorial plane from which geometric figures seemed to emerge. In front of it, a compact iridescent object by Julia Klemm stood on a wooden rack, in an animal-like pose, its impasto colours gradients corresponding with colours in the painting. After two days, Julia Klemm and Magdalena Waller transformed the Delphic setting back into their workspace. In monthly cycles, an alternation of opening and closing, showing and hiding remained consistent alongside the unpredictable pandemic measures. After a short summer break, the last preview in October 2020 could be attended by ten people at once.

Priyal Kaliyug & Julia Klemm, 2018
raku fired ceramic, glaze
32 x 32 x 16 cm
Art Ichol Residency (IND)
poem by Priyal Kaliyug
Missed connections

Justin Lieberman & Julia Klemm, 2017
with Justin Lieberman
ceramic, metal, glaze
59 x 59 x 36 cm
Part One Cologne