cling tightly

Cling tightly, 2022
Intervention with ropes and flag fabrics on the monument
“Lindauer Löwe”
1,8 x 3,20 x 5 m
In Situ Paradise, 1st Biennale Lindau
curated by Sophie-Charlotte Bombeck
The classical monument Lindauer Löwe is sitting on the port of Lindau. It was built by Johann Halbig 1856. Since then the Lion has never changed.
I designed an artistic intervention for the lion: Cling tightly. It consists out of a net of ropes and flag fabrics with colour gradients in complementary contrast to the surrounding blue of the mountains, water and sky. Tree climbers knoted the material to the stony body of the monument. The flag fabrics move in the wind or cover the lion body when it is windless. They simply hang down by getting wet if its rainy – in this way they cooperate closely with the natural elements. The lion as a symbol of power suddenly is subject of uncontrollable changes. The intervention is breaking with the classical architectural structure, the monument is visible again and has become a vivid sculpture.
Ein gebändigter Löwe sorgt für Zoff, SZ articel by Evelyn Vogel about the 1. Biennale Lindau, 2022
Utopien mit Seeblick, gallerytalk article about the 1. Biennale Lindau by Lisa Stoiber, 2022
Video HD documentation, 2:44 min