
exhibition view

ceramic, glaze, second-hand porcelain and ceramic dog; 102 x 73 x 115 cm

ceramic, glaze, second-hand porcelain and ceramic animals; 54 x 32 x 59 cm

I removed the white porcelain sink and tiles
from the wall of the room and presented
them alongside my sculptures. The exposed 
section of wall was left bare.

ceramic, glaze; 65 x 42 x 42 cm

ceramic, glaze, second-hand porcelain and ceramic animals; 77 x 48 x 136 cm

Bulk, 2016

1 a magnitude

- impressed by the sheer bulk of her accomplishment

b biology: material that forms a mass in the intestine;
especially: fiber 1d

- need more bulk in their diet

2 a body; especially: a large or corpulent human body

- he hauled his … bulk out of the armchair
- Herman Wouk

b an organized structure especially when viewed primarily
as a mass of material

- the giant bulk of Mt. Katahdin
- Jackson Rivers

c a ponderous shapeless mass

3 the main or greater part

- spent the bulk of his time in the office
- the bulk of the population