blended spheres

exhibition view

ceramic, secondhand ceramic and porcelain animals, glaze, stuffed animal transformation, pigments
67 x 54 x 156 cm

ceramic, glaze, pigments, steel
78 x 56 x 131 cm

exhibition view

ceramic, secondhand ceramic and porcelain animals, glaze
17 x 7,5 x 7,5 cm

ceramic, secondhand ceramic and porcelain animals, glaze, stuffed animal transformation, pigments
16 x 8 x 7,5 cm; 43 x 39 x 64 cm

ceramic, glaze, pigments, steel, secondhand porcelain animal
25 x 14 x 26 cm
blended spheres, 2024
Artothek Munich
Julia Klemm's sculptures expand the traditional boundaries of the ceramic medium. In addition to classically modelled clay, 3D-printed molds are used, textile fragments, stuffed animals, pieces of metal and, above all, parts of second-hand ceramic figures are also processed into assemblages.
The resulting works appear fragile, but at the same time organic due to their shapes and the play of colours in the glazes. They mix found objects of different origins with self-created objects, playing with our subjective memories and moments of recognising figurative motifs.
The processed found objects tell stories, awaken associations and, when assembled into sculptures in a new context, provide insights into the ambivalence of elementary emotional worlds and pose questions about supposedly outdated, hierarchical structures.
The works shown in the exhibition ‚blended spheres‘ were created at the Fondation Bruckner and were supported by the City of Munich Scholarship for Fine Arts 2023.
Text: Markus Lettner
Photographies by Christoph Grothgar and Julia Klemm